strategic growth & development


Organized in October 2015 as the SW3 Strategic Planning Team with a purpose to embrace change and promote growth within the jurisdiction in alignment with the vision of our Prelate, Bishop Samuel Duncan, Jr.

The Strategic Growth & Development (SG&D) Team is comprised of facilitators within the jurisdiction representing the diversity of membership churches:

Administrative Assistant Tarence E. Lauchie’, SG&D Director

Sister Robbin Bell , Assistant Jurisdictional Secretary
Pastor Samuel “Cisco” Duncan, IV, Budget Director
Elder William Grice, Christian Education Director
Evangelist Kimberly Horne, Youth Department Chair Lady
Mother Alethea Taylor, Supervisor, Women’s Department

Strategic Growth & Development Director Administrative Assistant  Tarence E. Lauchie’

Strategic Growth & Development Director

Administrative Assistant
Tarence E. Lauchie’


Jurisdictional Growth & Development Resources